This Week’s Small Pleasures

flowers happy

1. On Thursday morning I woke up to a surprise. My husband had gone to his early morning run and brought back some wild flowers. He put some in a vase on top of the dresser in the bedroom, the first ones I saw as soon as I woke up, then I found some in a vase in the kitchen, and finally a couple daisies next to the sink.  He definitely surprised me and gave me a happy moment.

2. We found the perfect branch to convert into a DIY hanging coat rack.


3. I was the babysitter of three adorable baby kittens this weekend.

4. Mexico won their first World Cup game! Woohoo! (This year, not like ever.)

5. Another gift from hubby, he bought me an amazing chocolate bar that I won’t buy for myself because I go for a lower priced one.

Weekly Small Pleasures – Blog Event

Weekly Small PleasuresShare your happiness!

I find that the small things that make us happy every day are easily forgotten.

This blog event is simply about remembering and sharing those small things that made you happy during the week; things that made you smile, made you laugh, made you do a happy dance, made your heart silently smile…

You can share in any format you like. For people to find your post, tag your post “Weekly Small Pleasures” and link to my most recent post for a pingback!

Read the full details.

So, what made you happy this week?

3 thoughts on “This Week’s Small Pleasures

  1. Lovely! A gorgeous surprise for you there 🙂


  2. Awnn so lovely! Have a great week ?


  3. NotAPunkRocker June 16, 2014 — 6:40 am

    Such beautiful colors to wake up to, what a great surprise!


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