Liebster Award No. 2

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Thanks to Dawn from Life’s Little Mercies for the nomination! Dawn likes to write, and her blog is a daily gratitude blog.

The basic idea of the Liebster Award is to give growing blogs a bit of exposure. The origins are hard to trace but it seems it started in Germany about three years ago. Liebster means dearest in German.

To accept this award I need to:

  • Answer the questions from the person who gave me the award.
  • Nominate 3-10 blogs for the award and let them know by posting the link to their pages.
  • Create questions for people accepting the award from me.

These are the questions that Dawn created for her nominations:

1. Blogging: true connection, attention-seeking, or simply necessary? 

None of the above? I blog as a hobby and to share my experiences. I used to write about my experiences in private and one day I decided that it would be fun to share them with the virtual world. So far, I have enjoyed it very much and have enjoyed “getting to know” other bloggers.

2. Why do you blog? 

Oh… oops, I already answered this above.

3. Describe your blog in three words. 

Personal, Travel, Photography, and Spirituality. (sorry, that’s four words.)

4. Describe yourself in three words. 

Trustworthy, Chocoholic, Artistic.

5. You’re in an awful mood. Who is the first person you call to cheer you up?  

No one. I hate the phone, so I wouldn’t make a call to cheer up. I usually keep my awful mood to myself if I can.

6. Describe your idea of a perfect day.

Gladly… Wake up late, have brunch at a patio with lots of flowers around and overlooking the mediterranean (croissants, black tea, fresh orange juice or mimosa, eggs benedict), then would enjoy a bike ride along the Italian coast or a couple hours at the ski slopes in Austria or B.C., followed by plunging in a hot tub and enjoying a refreshing sparkling lemonade. At night I would enjoy a romantic dinner with my hubby which would involve a bottle (or two) of wine and a decadent chocolate dessert. We would finish off the night by watching a movie at the independent or historic theater. Also, somewhere in between all that we would go skydiving.

You asked.

Balcony view of Positano source

7. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

There are so many places I would like to go, but right now at the top of my list are:

Italy: because I only spent a few days there and it wasn’t nearly enough.

Australia: because I like Australians and it just seems like a cool country.

Japan: because I haven’t seen much of Asia and I would love to taste some authentic Japanese food.

Tierra Del Fuego (Chile/Argentina):  because I haven’t seen any of South America, and would love to start here where it is argued to have the most southernmost city and the scenery and wildlife are amazing.

Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego (photo by David)

8. Given the choice, you would like a year’s supply of _______?  

This one is easy: dark chocolate.

9. If you could spend a day with one person, living or dead, who would it be, and why?

Can I choose my cat, Simba? He is the best cat ever to have lived and I miss him, and we had to give him away due to circumstances. Fine, fine, I’ll choose a person. I think, my best friend who lives in Mexico, and haven’t spent any quality time together for years.

Miss you Simbees!

10. Truth is ________. 


My nominations are:

  • Chuzai Living: A Japanese trailing spouse of an American. Mother and Expat.
  • That Time I Moved To Ireland: American living in Dublin Ireland. Suffering from a lack of Taco Bell and Target.
  • An American In Iceland: An American in Iceland is a space for sharing grand Icelandic adventures and day to day life from a grad student in Reykjavik.
  • The Franco-American Flophouse: Born in Seattle, USA. Generation Xer. Lived on 3 continents (North America, Asia and Europe). Country agnostic. Mother of two Frenchlings. Cancer survivor (so far).
  • The Wanderer: Kat writes about the musings of her day-to-day life, stories of traveling and living abroad, and attempting to figure out her life.

My questions to nominees:

  1. If you could live in a painting, which one would it be and why?
  2. Imagine you live in a dystopian future where each household is only allowed three books. What would yours be?
  3. If you could rearrange the countries in the world, which countries would you place closest to yours?
  4. What’s your guilty pleasure?
  5. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
  6. What is the best movie you have ever seen?
  7. If your house was on fire and you had sixty seconds to leave, what would you take with you?
  8. Do you focus more on the past, the present, or the future?

Note: if you don’t wish to participate, you may accept the award honorably (or even not at all).

2 thoughts on “Liebster Award No. 2

  1. Mani, thank you so much for nominating me for the Leibster Award. I think that is very sweet! While I find the concept fun for the blogging community, I find it difficult for me to find the time to participate. Thus, I regret to inform you that I am not able to participate. I apologize… I hope you understand. Thank you for your thoughts, though!!


    1. No worries! It is totally understandable and totally optional. 🙂


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