Weekly Small Pleasures #122

Had a bit of a rough week. Spending half a day outdoors in 100+ degree F weather last Saturday while 37 weeks pregnant, put me out of service for 3 days. Felt really bad and I thought I would feel that way for the remaining of the pregnancy. Every time I have a couple of bad days, as in I feel tired and not up to doing anything, I feel that I won’t come out of it, but I always do. 

By mid-week I regained energy but still felt some lack of it. I’ve been feeling lethargic from having bad sleep at night, then over sleeping in the morning, and then not being able to exercise. Being pregnant in the middle of Texas summer is no fun. I wish I could go out for walks. By Friday, in desperation, I went “for a 20min walk” on the treadmill. Not my kind of fun exercise.

There was also one evening where my sciatica pain was so bad at dinner time that I couldn’t sit and we had dinner standing up on the kitchen counter. The pain lasted for only a couple hours, luckily.

With all that said, there were definitely some good and happy moments:

1. Baby clothes

I finally got around to washing and folding all the baby clothes we’ve collected since April. Most were purchased in April when my mom came to visit. The clothes are too cute. It made me happy to go through them all after taking them from sitting in their bags for months.

2. Calmer kitty

We expected our cat to have some problem adjusting to the new place, but it’s always hard on us. As if I needed more reasons to get a bad night’s sleep, the cat meowed constantly for several nights. And he barely ate for a few days. The poor thing suffers from anxiety but this week he finally seemed to get back to normal staying quiet through the night and even started playing. I also grew a little grass garden for him and he loves it.

3. Grocery delivery

This week, I tried Amazon Prime Now grocery delivery for the first time. They just so happen to be in partnership with the one grocery store I go to: Sprouts Farmers Market. They offer free delivery but suggest a tip for the courier. I have to say, it wasn’t perfect, but it was great. The efficiency, quickness, and not having to go shop myself, made up for the few flaws. (E.g. some of the produce wasn’t what I would’ve bought in person.) Amazon just keeps surprising me.

4. Cool enough for a walk

There was one day this week when it was completely cloudy with chance of rain, making it bearable to be outside and I headed out to check out the nearby walking trail for the first time. It was nice to be able to get out. I didn’t bring the phone in case it rained, so a picture is still in order.

5. Dessert delivery

On Friday night we were craving dessert and there are so many companies in Austin that offer delivery from many different businesses. We indulged in a little cheesecake delivery from the Cheesecake Factory. I went with the Godiva chocolate cheescake. :p

Ordering in at our previous apartment wasn’t easy. Non-residents don’t have access to the apartment so it was a hassle and we never did it. So we’ve been excited to take advantage of this big delivery culture in Austin at our new place. It is coming in very handy these last pregnancy weeks and will continue to do so with a newborn.

See what others were happy about:
Weekly Small Pleasures #33 Monsoon summer – Middle Europe
This week’s small pleasures #61 – Thistles and Kiwis
This week’s small pleasures #60 – Thistles and Kiwis

Weekly Small Pleasures Blog Event

weekly-small-pleasures-badge1Share your happiness!

I find that the small things that make us happy every day are easily forgotten.

This blog event is simply about remembering and sharing those small things that made you happy during the week; things that made you smile, made you laugh, made you do a happy dance, made your heart smile…

You can share in any format you like. For people to find your post, tag your post “Weekly Small Pleasures” and link to my most recent post for a pingback! You can also just share in the comments.

Read the full details, and see previous posts.


1 thought on “Weekly Small Pleasures #122

  1. That cake looks amazing 🙂 And I like your cat garden! Good luck in the final days of your pregnancy, I hope it cools down a bit there (I would happily swap you our cold Berlin summer for some hot weather!)


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