25 More Things I Did Before Turning 25


When I finished my first list, I realized there were more things I wanted to include, so I made a second list.

It is nice to reminisce about the big and small, the fun, the accomplishing, and the brave things I have done in my life. There are many of these that I had forgotten about or rarely think about up until I started proactively thinking about points to add to the list. Even if you haven’t traveled far, I am sure many of you can sit down and think about many things you have overcome or felt proud of in your life, even if it was a small thing in the eyes of others. I invite you to make your own list and do it either privately or share it.

So here’s my next 25:

1. Hiked up a snowy mountain.

2. Sold all my possessions except for a full big suitcase and moved across the world.

3. Went zip-lining in Mexico.

4. Had a pilot stripper blindfold me and dance with me (as a birthday surprise from my friends and against my own will by the way.)

5. Explored underground caves in Budapest.

6. Studied Italian and French.

7. Volunteered as a cook/server at a shelter many times.

8. Was the wedding director assistant of two weddings.

9. Took an analogue photography course and developed my own photos in a dark room.

10. Adopted two cats and raised two more.

11. Joined a crowd of about 25,000 people to keep silent for 15 minutes during the Amartithi celebration in India.

Amartithi in India
Amartithi in India

12. Helped build a home.

13. Took at least one class of all the following: karate, tennis, flamenco dance, piano, soccer, Tahitian dance, guitar, aerial silks, folklore dance, hip hop, and ballet.

Aerial Silks
Aerial Silks

14. Got accepted to 5 universities in London.

15. Dropped out of college/university.

16. Went parachuting at the beach.

17. Got a free upgrade to First Class on a long flight.

18. Traveled by boat, ferry, cruise ship, big plane, small plane, car, bike, scooter, rollerskates, auto rickshaw, donkey, horse, train, bus, tram, yacht, metro, kayak, and double-decker bus.

Train from Moscow to St. Petersburg
Train from Moscow to St. Petersburg

19. Was in a car accident and a waverunner accident.

20. Got a tattoo, and someone tattooed my own design!

21. Invented my own color.

22. Got out of a 9-month depression without shrinks and pills.

23. Swam in a cenote.

The fresh underground waters in a cenote in Cancun.
The fresh underground waters in a cenote in Cancun.

24. Participated in a fashion show.

25. Held a human brain.

6 thoughts on “25 More Things I Did Before Turning 25

  1. Just loved your both lists! I’m impressed and sure admiring you and your blog even more!
    Can’t wait to read about your new adventures!


  2. You’ve lived quite a life 🙂 Very inspiring! I especially love all the classes you’ve taken- I imagine one needs to become very strong to excel at aerial silks!


    1. Aerial silks was one of my favorite classes of all time. I did it for 6 months and although strength is definitely useful, beginner classes aren’t that hard, if you ever come across them, I’d recommend trying it!


  3. Liked your both lists…..now I am thinking of creating my own list 🙂


    1. Thanks, go for it! I’ll be interested in reading your list 🙂


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