This Week’s Small Pleasures #69

small pleasures dec

I had a few disappointments this week. We went to the movies on a Monday but the movie wasn’t that good, and the oil painting I made last Saturday didn’t dry on time for me to take it on my trip to Mexico. It was going to be a Christmas gift for my brother. But besides those small bad news I had some great moments:

1. Pre-trip French bakery lunch with hubby. Lovely as always to eat there and hang out with him.

2. Seamless travel to Mexico. I feel like it was the first time in a long time that I didn’t have to run to my gate to make my connection.

3. Seeing my whole family in Mexico. Yesterday we had a big early Christmas family gathering. Uncles, aunts, husbands, cousins, parents, brothers all came to the house, had a Christmas meal, a few drinks and lots of talking, catching up, pranks (because I have that kind of family) and laughs. They were here from 3:30pm to 10pm.

4. I helped my mom decorate the Christmas tree this year. Usually I’m not here at a time when I can help her.

5. Talking football (and other things) with my older brother. Between hubby and I, I’m the one who watches football in the house (American football that is). Well, and non-American football (aka soccer) too, when the World Cup is on. I also don’t get to talk with my brother much as we don’t really communicate while I’m away. It’s nice catching up.

6. Having a dream of my kitty wearing a red beret and scarf. It was the cutest thing. I wonder if he was dreaming of me as it happen the first night I was away.

See what others were happy about:
Weekly Delights #49 – Follow me to…
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #13 | Middle Europe

What made you happy this week? 

Weekly Small Pleasures – Blog Event

Weekly Small PleasuresShare your happiness!

I find that the small things that make us happy every day are easily forgotten.

This blog event is simply about remembering and sharing those small things that made you happy during the week; things that made you smile, made you laugh, made you do a happy dance, made your heart smile…

You can share in any format you like. For people to find your post, tag your post “Weekly Small Pleasures” and link to my most recent post for a pingback! You can also just share in the comments.

Read the full details, and see previous posts.

P.S. Are you on instagram? I am!

9 thoughts on “This Week’s Small Pleasures #69

  1. Your Christmas tree looks beautiful 🙂 Have a lovely holiday!


  2. Your Christmas tree looks beautiful 🙂 Have a lovely holiday!


  3. Sorry you had some disappointments, but these still sound like they made for a good week. Your tree is amazing, well done!


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