Weekly Small Pleasures #87

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Even though it was kind of a tough week, having a different physical pain every day and some emotional rough patches too, I did have some good moments across the days. Check them out:

1. Going to the movie theater, twice. I hadn’t been in over 3-4 weeks before last Sunday and there’s usually not that long of a gap between movie outings. I love going to the movie theater especially if it’s not a chain and instead a cool independent theater, like the Salt Lake City Film Society. We saw The Man Who Knew Infinity there and it was quite good. We also saw The Nice Guys a different day, which wasn’t totally my jam.

2. Hanging out at a pattiserie. I’m a sucker for french bakeries and pastries, and we actually accidentally ended up at one that used organic ingredients, major lovely bonus. Plus they had one of my favorite drinks, the London Fog.

3. Doctor Who. This is a repeat from last weekend but I’ve been watching a few specials that played in between seasons and they’re so good. They’re about to change doctors though, and that’s always sad.

4. Having a 4 day workout week. My workouts are INTENSE, to say the least, so I’ve never been able to go 5 times in a row during the week. For the longest time I went only 2-3 times a week, and I’m stepping up my game lately. I just love being able to use and let loose some energy during the workout, even though it’s masochist torture, it makes me feel good to release some energy and anything that has been going on with me, in a crazy way it’s relaxing and at the same time it’s making me stronger.


See what others were happy about:
This Week’s Small Pleasures: episode 10 | THISTLES AND KIWIS
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #19 – there and back again | Middle Europe
Weekly Small Pleasures | The life of a 40 something

Have a great week!

Weekly Small Pleasures – Blog Event

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I find that the small things that make us happy every day are easily forgotten.

This blog event is simply about remembering and sharing those small things that made you happy during the week; things that made you smile, made you laugh, made you do a happy dance, made your heart smile…

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