Avocado Coconut Green Smoothie

coconut avocado green smoothie2

For the last 6 days, I have been on a post-oral surgery liquid diet. I have been having 2 smoothies and 1 soup meal a day and I haven’t gone hungry at tall. The smoothies have been filling enough and definitely healthy enough for a speedy recovery. I have been feeling energetic and healthy with the bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables that have been going in my body.

Yesterday, I made a great one and I shall share it with you. I have made quite a few good ones that I will be sharing with you over the next few weeks.

coconut avocado green smoothie

This smoothie features avocado, green grapes, coconut milk and basil. This smoothie has been the most filling yet. So if you are looking for a very healthy smoothie that will keep you satisfied for hours, this is your guy. It has plenty of good fats from the avocado and banana.

coconut avocado green smoothie3

Avocado Coconut Green Smoothie Recipe

  • Servings: 1 large smoothie
  • Difficulty: easy
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coconut avocado green smoothie3Ingredients:
1/2 avocado
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup green grapes
1 cup spinach
1/3 celery stick
juice of 1/2 lime
4-5 basil leaves
1 tsp honey
2 tsps homemade tahini (or store-bought) (optional)
1 cup canned light coconut milk (I use Trader Joe’s)
1/4 cup cold water
3-4 ice cubes


Place glass to be used in the freezer while prepping all ingredients.

Blend all the ingredients together until smooth. If too thick, a little more water and blend again.

Serve in chilled glass.

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4 thoughts on “Avocado Coconut Green Smoothie

  1. Oh….Hope u r feeling much better!This is a super healthy smoothie!Avocados can be quite filling isnt it!!


    1. Yes they can be! As I type, I’m having a smoothie right now: apple, orange, carrot, lettuce, yogurt, almond milk, plus extras.. 😉
      I am feeling better , thank you, and later today I will be able to start trying some solid food!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow..sounds yumm!You take good rest n come back soon Mani!!


  2. Its looking so fresh and energetic…. I will try it too.


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