Weekly Small Pleasures #95


So many changes in the last couple of months. Big changes still occurring. Transition time. I’ll probably make an official announcement about one of those changes in the next couple of weeks. I hate transition time. You’d think I’d be used to it by now considering I have moved almost every year, sometimes multiple times a year, in the last 8 years. Anyway, I won’t give too many hints, but needless to say, I’ve been a bit stressed and anxious.

Sometimes even when I’m okay with things in my mind, my body still reacts and that can be quite frustrating. Physical responses to stress and anxiety occur in spite of reaching peace in my mind about things turning out okay. How does that work?

But there were a few good pleasures during the week, and here they are:

1. Music. This is a repeat from last week – Music discoveries and music-listening in general, is a pleasure lately. Here’s some of the best music I heard this week:

2. My neck and back got better. I injured my neck more than a week ago which caused me back problems and prevented me from working out. So, progress and improvement this week was a pleasure. So that’s good, if we don’t count stress-related tension/pain.

3. Coffee cocktails and ice cream sundaes. This week when I went to the grocery store they were having an anniversary event and they were serving free ice cream sundaes plus other samples of food. The local coffee shop was there with a stand serving what they called a coffee cocktail and which exploded my taste buds, in a really good way. Who knew tonic, lemon bitters, and blackberry syrup would go so magically well with cold brew coffee. I’m telling you, the best cold caffeinated drink ever.

4. This video (below) made me smile. Travel cross country and dancing with strangers. Even though I’m too shy to ever be able to do something like this, it’s uplifting, fun, and makes me think things like “this is what life is about.”

5. Homemade cookies. I ran out of brownies, so I made these chocolate chip cookies and because I followed a recipe by memory, they came out looking like something other than cookies but tasted amazing nonetheless and that’s all that matters right?

I hope you have a great upcoming week!

See what others were happy about:
This week’s small pleasures: episode 19 – Thistles and Kiwis

Weekly Small Pleasures – Blog Event

weekly-small-pleasures-badge1Share your happiness!

I find that the small things that make us happy every day are easily forgotten.

This blog event is simply about remembering and sharing those small things that made you happy during the week; things that made you smile, made you laugh, made you do a happy dance, made your heart smile…

You can share in any format you like. For people to find your post, tag your post “Weekly Small Pleasures” and link to my most recent post for a pingback! You can also just share in the comments.

Read the full details, and see previous posts.

P.S. You can also find me on INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TUMBLR, and PINTEREST.

5 thoughts on “Weekly Small Pleasures #95

  1. 🙂 That photo was not from this week, but they were the same cookies I made. They looked very different this time, cause of my mistake haha.


  2. Happy to hear your neck is getting better and hope you enjoyed the cookies! As you say the taste is more important than how they look. Lovely post. Here are my small pleasures from last week. https://basia329.wordpress.com/2016/08/15/this-weeks-small-pleasures-episode-20/

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